RELAXING (audio)

"In this breath.... I am okay."

Feelings come and they go. Like a wave, they peak & subside...then gently go back out to sea.

Relaxation Exercises

To prepare for relaxation, find a quiet place, free of distraction.  If you are sitting, keep your spine straight, feet planted on the ground. Let your arms rest comfortably in your lap. You can close your eyes or gaze forward and slightly downward.  Take your time and Enjoy! 

Signal Breath

Cleansing Breath

COPE strategy


Calming hand pose 1

Calming hand pose 2

3 Levels of Awareness

Guided imagery Feeling Loved

Loving Kindness Meditation

Learning Mindfulness, Tibetan Singing bowl

Guided Imagery Beach scene

Guided Imagery Forest & Waterfall

IREST*- Guided Meditation

IREST*- Heart Meditation

* The IREST meditations are based on Richard Millar's work on Integrative Restoration. Dr Katz has completed Level 1 training.

Inhale, and open to the opportunities that await you.

Exhale, and release all that no longer serves you. 

In this way, the breath itself, serves as a guide for moving through life. 

Did you know that caffeine can induce

 anxiety and insomnia?

Maximum recommended daily use should not exceed 400 mg of caffeine-- that is 4 small cups or 2 large cups of coffee! For most people, they will experience symptoms with far less caffeine.

If you like your coffee, but don't like feeling anxious, jittery, tense, restless or have difficulty falling or staying asleep, then either mix your regular coffee with decaf, or switch to decaf!

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